Take Action For Freedom Insiders Mastermind

Curious About How to Win

In The New Economy?

Curious About How to Win In The New Economy?

Curious About How to Win In The New Economy?

Now’s The Time to Learn About

  • Preparedness
  • Alternative investing in 2024+
  • Commodities that are a “safe store of value"
  • Crypto
  • Sound money (as the dollar is being debased)
  • Permaculture gardening
  • Food sovereignty (grow in any space)
  • Hedging against inflation
  • How to pay less in taxes or no taxes
  • Gold & Silver–pros and cons of each
  • How to protect your privacy and
  • How to protect your savings!

(Get a FREE MONTH for a short time only!)

Join a private community designed to warp-speed your learning... and get a FREE MONTH, plus a money-back guarantee!

Learn about preparedness, great hedges against the failing dollar-

-and how the financial world is rapidly changing, with decentralized finance! And many other topics to help you get on top, every week, answering your Q’s!

Hi. I’m Robyn Openshaw.

I’m a 35-year educator. I taught American history, civics, and economics at a top-ranked American university, where I also later taught advanced management communications at the elite Marriott School of Management.

For 18 years, people have known me as the “GreenSmoothieGirl” online, author of 16 books, and lecturer in 450 cities in 6 years.

I’ve spent 3,000+ hours studying how to protect wealth, using safe crypto you “self custody,” sound-money commodities, and decentralized finance in the past 3 years.

I have also spent my whole life in a "prepper" culture, and would love to teach you preparedness--making it simple.


Hi. I’m Robyn Openshaw.

I’m a 35-year educator. I taught American history, civics, and economics at a top-ranked American university, where I also later taught advanced management communications at the elite Marriott School of Management.

For 18 years, people have known me as the “GreenSmoothieGirl” online, author of 16 books, and lecturer in 450 cities in 6 years.

I’ve spent 3,000+ hours studying how to protect wealth, using safe crypto you “self custody,” sound-money commodities, and decentralized finance in the past 3 years.

Every week, I study the plans of the global elites to bring us into digital bondage.


I brought some coaches into our mastermind, who do as much research as I do, to help you.

People who have been very successful learning how to “read the charts” and bring you up to speed on how the economic world is changing quickly.

That’s why we created the TAFF (Take Action for Freedom) Insiders Mastermind. 

What if you could set yourself up, for independence from the energy grid, the financial grid and failing dollar, the supply shocks in food and commodities, and the plans for full digital control of your life?

What would that be worth to you? That’s the research we do, and share with you EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT.


The past few years, as I’ve seen the world changing rapidly, I’ve been educating on PREPPING as well as FINANCIALLY PIVOTING.

My own previous “retirement plan” included lots of rental properties in three U.S. states.

Most of which I sold right as prices were at an all-time high, based on my research and analysis.

I’m glad I did–because there’s more real estate on the market right now, than there's been for 40 YEARS, and prices are plummeting while inventory and interest rates are skyrocketing.

Rents are coming down, too, and many tenants aren't paying, protected by government from having to do so.

And what I re-invested in has been the financial sector that has outperformed all others, the last 3 years.

(And so, what do you think it was worth to me, to have spent all that time researching, to make some important pivots?

Now, in the Mastermind classes every Weds night, I share what I learn, every week, with you. I don’t want YOU to have to spend 3,000 hours!)

I’ve been teaching how the world affecting your money and your wealth is rapidly changing, and those who learn about it will win–while those with their heads in the sand, will get run over.

And now, I feel that people NEED to know about how to prepare, and how to pivot. But, the world of finance, investing, decentralized finance, and “sound money” is incredibly confusing, and filled with jargon.

We’re here to make it easy, and answer your questions.

I believe that:

In every crisis, there is opportunity. 

Historically, most people don’t see the big opportunities, early, and get in on them. They get in, when “everybody’s doing it”--and by then, it’s too late to capture the big upside.

But if you’re like all smart people these days, you’re seeing what’s happening, and it’s stressing you out. 


Want the best anti-anxiety pill ever?

Let’s take a dive into how to hedge against hyperinflation, high interest rates, and increasing digital oppression from the central banks–to protect your financial future. 

Value never “goes away”— it shifts elsewhere.

I am not a financial advisor, and I do not give financial advice.

I’m an educator, and I am here to introduce you to the changing options in the world of investing and storing value (preserving your assets you worked your whole life, to save!)–

–and share my experience and learnings from spending 3,000+ hours of research, the past 3 years.

One of our coaches joins me every Wednesday night, to present on important topics with me, and answer your Q’s.


The TAFF Insiders Mastermind: A community created to help you get in on the upside of the meltdown of the U.S. economy

Right now, we offer a FREE MONTH of membership, plus a guaranteed monthly membership that is locked in at $30/mo off. And we offer a 100% money-back guarantee.

From your membership, you can expect:

  • Easy-to-understand explanations 
  • A Decentralized Finance Video Course, to help you get off and running
  • Much loved by our members, we hold WEEKLY, LIVE Calls About Current Topics — 90-minute discussions with Robyn and the coaches about current issues, opportunities, preparedness action items, & answers to your questions.
  • A moderated & helpful community 
  • A safe and secure place to discuss what could be “the greatest financial opportunity in the history of the world”
  • A great discount on private coaching, if you need help getting started investing in crypto projects

We don’t sell a product or project. We earn no commissions putting you in stock and bond funds (or anything else), like financial advisors do. We just bring smart educators together, to help YOU be empowered and win, as the world is in flux.

I’ve had amazing success with repositioning my assets, and so have the TAFF coaches! We do the research you may not have time to do, and we are here to help!

Because now is the perfect time to begin your journey: hands-on discovery of how the world of “money” is changing and how you can capitalize!

What do people say about TAFF Insider’s Mastermind?

Laurie Masters

Robyn Openshaw is a force! She has an almost uncanny capacity to track important trends, untangle their complexities, and distill their nuggets into actionable presentations. With no agenda other than our collective empowerment and freedom.

Rarely have I known anybody whose antennae are calibrated for emerging opportunities and threats in so many vital arenas of life. Not in that 'shiny object' kind of way, but with a depth of foresight and discernment that comes only with seasoned experience and more than her share of hard knocks.

"Take Action for Freedom" is not just a slogan--it is literally who Robyn is and how she lives her life. And the weekly live calls with her and her fabulous coaches feel incredibly grounding, in this quicksand reality we are living. I wish everyone I love would participate--they're priceless!

— Laurie Masters

Catherine Edmonds

I learned exactly what I was trying to figure out from your mastermind class! I knew quite a bit before I took it but was stuck on a few logistics & security details. I feel way more informed now. I think I'll extend my subscription a couple more months to get my portfolio finalized. I'm going to take a hold long term approach.Thanks for simplifying & organizing it all in one place!

— Catherine Edmonds

Robin Stebbins

I am a 52-year-old R.N. and mom. I took a new trajectory over the last few years as the medical industry is not aligned with my values in any way. It’s been a struggle, with the censorship, to promote my business, so I have to manage my wealth strategically

Instead of feeling fear and despair, I decided to take action. I have listened to Robyn Openshaw‘s Vibe podcast from the beginning, and I am overjoyed to have someone in our camp with such true intelligence and a clear voice helping us navigate this new world not only financially but spiritually and physically. 

When Robyn started the TAFF Insiders Mastermind, I immediately jumped on, and I’m not disappointed. Not only have I learned a great deal about the somewhat complicated world of blockchain and crypto, but the weekly calls are invaluable and the investment strategies worth their weight in gold. Literally. 

I am homeschooling my son now and he and his friends are learning from the modules as well so it’s a gift that keeps on giving lighting up in so many ways our bright new future.

— Robin Stebbins


Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed!

If the membership is not delivered as promised, we will promptly refund the unused purchase price. We work hard building and maintaining our membership system, and we want you to find it helpful.

Learn with us how to "think past the dollar." You can store your wealth, in assets that retain their value in any economy.

What if some people will be the “losers” in the collapse of fiat currencies, and some people will be “winners” — and by learning how, you could get in on being part of the “new rich?”

As the “economic winter” sets in–remember, some people freeze in the cold, and some people go snowboarding.

The Insiders Mastermind trains you, fast, in how to take advantage of new opportunities in our fast-changing world, to be in the 1% who grows their wealth meteorically, even as ALL the fiat currencies of the world are in massive decline.

What if some people will be the “losers” in the collapse of fiat currencies, and some people will be “winners” — and by learning how, you could get in on being part of the “new rich?”

As the “economic winter” sets in–remember, some people freeze in the cold, and some people go snowboarding.

The Insiders Mastermind trains you, fast, in how to take advantage of new opportunities in our fast-changing world, to be in the 1% who grows their wealth meteorically, even as ALL the fiat currencies of the world are in massive decline.

You don’t have to do the thousands of hours of research I’ve done. Just join me, for the weekly “Cliff’s Notes.” Join our community to discuss best strategies and investments.

This year, your government rolls out digital wallets, a digital dollar, and centralized control. And it’s a guarantee that 99%+ of the 20,000+ “crypto” projects won’t survive “the great reset!”

Unfortunately, the middle class is losing equity fast. Their savings, their government-sponsored “store of value. Most of the Boomers trusted in their pension plans and Roth IRA’s and 401K’s, to take them through retirement.

Hoping that one day, we could retire and enjoy a high quality of life. Private pensions have gone the way of the dodo, but there are more options you can look at, for a “DIY” retirement.

If you’re like me, and you aren’t trusting massive stock-market funds and the U.S. government’s financial instruments much, anymore.

Those in the TAFF Insiders Mastermind group will understand how the devastating economic circumstances happening in the world can be turned to your favor.

I’m not here to sell you on a “hot tip.” I’m not going to charge you hundreds of dollars for a “little-known stock gem,” like all these marketers out there, are doing.

I am an educator. And want to be your “shortcut to the library.” My education is about empowerment, and surviving and thriving in a changing world.

Now really is the perfect time...

With most assets in a massive bubble, let's investigate the 21st century economy and its new 21st century tools and opportunities!

We’re at that perfect moment in time... where a huge “bull run” is yet to come, for “hedges” against the dollar, that only the savvy will take advantage of.

(In other words, we are still in the early phases, and more people — even institutions and people in traditional financial markets — are waking up. To how fast their dollar is losing its value, and how our strategy to protect our future should change accordingly.)

You have the “perfect storm” right now, with the “crash” of 2022, to capitalize on. But first, LEARN.

Most of the world is asleep to the power, transparency, and utility of blockchain technology–there’s even an emerging utility to let you spend gold you buy, using a credit card.

The globalists are moving toward the blockchain, fast. It’s not going away; it’s only going to pick up steam. We are unwise to ignore it. We can use new-found knowledge to our advantage.

Ask 10 people on the street if they own bitcoin, and generally, all 10 will say no. And 5 will say, “What’s bitcoin?”

When you ask those 10 people if they know that FedNow intends to consolidate control of all your financial transactions, via their app, rolling out Summer 2023–none of them will know anything about it.

You will, in our mastermind.

What our members have to say...

"The modules are outstanding. They're a straightforward primer on crypto. Then a couple sessions with Felipe and Andrea and you should be as good as any of us."


"The classes are very GOOD, I have watched many times."

Ernie G.

"I paid for another crypto education program before TAFF that was WORTHLESS. I love the TAFF classes!"

Kathy C.

"TAFF Mastermind has changed my life - everything I bought had gone up, I feel so much more at ease and optimistic and armed with the knowledge to navigate this new world."

Dawn S.

Now Really Is A Good Time to Learn!

Your mastermind membership offers you a FREE MONTH, and by joining now, your ongoing monthly membership rate is guaranteed to be reduced by $30/month.

Plus we offer a 100% satisfaction money-back guarantee.

There will be winners and losers in the massive shift in the economy. I would love to see YOU one of the winners.

I believe that you have a choice about whether you're on the plus, or minus, side of the massive change happening in the economy.

I saw in Feb. 2020, that “covid” would actually initiate an economic crisis, perhaps even more than a health crisis, affecting the entire world for a long time.

We're still in the "wild West" of defi, and crypto--and while a tiny number of them represent freedom from corrupt central banks--

--"sound money" that's been around for thousands of years, is also a very good idea your government is investing in, but doesn't want YOU to know about--

--and we'll teach you more!

After all the market crashes, NOW is a great time to start learning! Good crypto assets, good stocks for the oncoming recession, good education for how the banks and world of finance are shifting–

–should be a priority for all of us, whether we have $1,000 in savings, or $10M. Whether we’re 30, or 70 years old.

Some of my re-invested holdings have grown 450% in 4 years!

The U.S. dollar is losing 1% of its value every month, and stocks and bonds COMBINED in the USA lost almost $8T in the first half of 2022 –

– whereas some new investments few know about have grown by 200%+ in the last 2 years.

Your government and media disparages some assets, while buying them up, as fast as they can, themselves!

Here and there, there’s an exciting opportunity in specific stocks, and shorter-duration bonds (which you’ll learn about in the Mastermind). 

The vast majority of cryptocurrencies I wouldn’t touch. It’s a startup landscape like the dot-com bubble!

But a few that I believe will be worth far more than my now mostly-liquidated rental real estate portfolio.

The global forces trying to control most of the world have already announced that their global currencies will be cryptocurrencies.

El Salvador made Bitcoin legal tender. Nigeria has been trying to force citizens onto their CBDC (central bank digital currency), and Nigerians know government is corrupt and aren't having it.

59 countries have applied to the BRICS coalition to get away from the U.S. and the weaponized dollar.

What does all this mean for us, here in North America? Every week we cover the highlights in this rapidly evolving landscape.

What will YOU do when the USA rolls out the great financial consolidation and CBDC? I want to help you get to know your options.

It’s not just me. People are finding success in the TAFF Insiders Mastermind...

“That morning I received Robyn’s email titled, ‘I Shifted My Dollars to Cryptos. Here’s Why’. I listened to Robyn's webinar and immediately signed up. I jumped in feet first and I’ve never looked back.

I was in a relatively good financial space where I had accumulated cash reserves. However, I felt doom when I looked at it. I felt my money could be ‘doing’ something yet I strongly believed the stock market was overly inflated and destined for a crash. I didn’t know what to do.

I devoured all the TAFF content and I’ve never stopped learning on my own.

It’s intimidating, for sure. Even scary, at times but I took it step-by-step. My sense of doom is long gone. I finally feel I am being proactive with my money and I am super excited about the possibility and my financial future.

It all started with the TAFF Insiders Mastermind. I highly recommend this program to get you started.”

— Suzanne D. in Georgia

A community created for YOU...

I have partnered with some amazing coaches to provide quick-and-easy training, to get up to speed, and form a community of those willing to learn, and protect their wealth. (Or, to create some wealth!)

Often you hear marketers say that something is an “opportunity of a lifetime.”

But many financial experts are going much further than that, saying that making pivots heading into the new economy, can be the greatest opportunity in the history of the world!

We cannot guarantee any specific results; and we are not giving financial advice.

(But unlike financial advisors, we also don’t have a business that monetizes based on your buying into some fund, or some product. This keeps us objective, remaining “education only.”)

Don’t be ‘dazed & confused’ — instead, get up to speed, fast.

Most all “finance” podcasts, courses and videos available today, leave you dazed and confused. Or having nothing more than a “hot tip”--given to you by someone who makes money if you buy into that stock or fund.

We’re not here to give you a hot tip, or sell you into a fund. We’re here to share cutting-edge information about what’s happening in the world, and how to prepare yourself.

Join the Insiders Mastermind to start learning, ask your questions, and make the preparations and pivots needed, to ease your mind...

...rather than be among the 99%+ who are going to be saying to themselves, a year from now, “I wish I’d re-invested!”


A community created for YOU...

I have partnered with some amazing coaches to provide quick-and-easy training, to get up to speed, and form a community of those willing to learn, and protect their wealth. (Or, to create some wealth!)

Often you hear marketers say that something is an “opportunity of a lifetime.”

But many financial experts are going much further than that, saying that making pivots heading into the new economy, can be the greatest opportunity in the history of the world!

We cannot guarantee any specific results; and we are not giving financial advice.

(But unlike financial advisors, we also don’t have a business that monetizes based on your buying into some fund, or some product. This keeps us objective, remaining “education only.”)

Don’t be ‘dazed & confused’ — instead, get up to speed, fast.

Most all “finance” podcasts, courses and videos available today, leave you dazed and confused. Or having nothing more than a “hot tip”--given to you by someone who makes money if you buy into that stock or fund.

We’re not here to give you a hot tip, or sell you into a fund. We’re here to share cutting-edge information about what’s happening in the world, and how to prepare yourself.

Join TAFF Insiders Mastermind (TAFF is TakeActionForFreedom, I founded in March, 2020, which I primarily use for freedom activism) to start learning, ask your questions, and get on the train...

...rather than be among the 99%+ who are going to be saying to themselves, a year from now, “I wish I’d re-invested!”

What our members have to say...

"I have been a part of TAFF since its inception, and it has been one of the best decisions I ever made. Top-notch value is consistently served up week after week. There is nothing like it. It's an educational platform that can take someone who knows nothing, to someone who is comfortable investing in the new financial paradigm. Robyn and Andrea are some of the most intelligent and trustworthy voices in the space, providing cogent market commentary and solid, practical advice. And if you need personal one-on-one support... someone who will take you by the hand and look over your shoulder while you take each and every step... they have that covered, too. Don't wait to take advantage of this opportunity... your financial future depends on it."

Dawn R.

"So super helpful though! It helps to see the numbers and how they predict possibility for growth. I understand it so much more clearly watching you talk through each slide -- thank you!"


"So much info! Thanks!"

Sylvie G.

"Terrific session. Thank you Andrea and Robyn!!! Thank you."


"Another great class. Thank you Robyn and Andrea."

Dawn S.

Another confusing thing we'll help you make sense of...

There really are so many ways to get confused, if you don’t have guidance!

Most of the 20,000+ cryptos, I wouldn’t invest in. Investing in cryptocurrencies is volatile, and risk is involved.

The few good cryptos I do invest in aren’t the only strategies, to protect your wealth, in the financial storm ahead.

The Mastermind brings you together with others who are just starting, or well down the path, for a fantastic, supportive community of people right where you are — just getting started, and wanting a guide.

Join us to learn about preparedness and self-custodying your wealth, free of centralized control.


Only $97/month — OR, for your best value, get 30% off, plus a FREE MONTH, and a 100% money-back guarantee! –

  • an excellent deal when you consider the value you get and the time and energy and costly mistakes the Mastermind will save you
  • you can join our TAFF Insiders Mastermind exclusive group, to take advantage of everything our members have been learning, the past two years.


“Pick our brains,” every week on our live Zoom calls–and inside the membership group, online.

Get up to speed, fast–I may not speak geek, but I’m a good teacher–and my goal is that you learn much faster than I did, on my own.

Join a group of beginners where we speak plain English about complex subjects.

In fact, pay for 3 months upfront, and you can reduce your price to $67 / month! That price won’t go up, if you join now–AND, the discount makes your third month free!

Not only do you get the huge discount for your first three months, but you’ll be “locked in” for that discounted rate, ongoing, even if our price goes up!

And you can cancel at any time.

You can cancel at any time, and enjoy our money-back guarantee, so there is no risk!

Don’t want to join... but have questions you want answered personally?

Get one-on-one coaching from our experienced coaches! 30 or 60 minute consultations are available now.

Learn to “self custody” your wealth, and a coach can hold your hand, to help you get set up.

A personal coach is invaluable for starting or expanding your alt-investing journey, from setting up wallets and exchanges so you can get up and running, to answering detailed questions at any point.

Our coaches have years of experience working with investing in the emerging markets such as blockchain / crypto.

Bring your list of questions, and they’ll help you move forward.


— get $100k’s of value for $97 a month — so you can get current information, answers to your questions, together with a supportive community learning with you!

Or buy 2 months of membership in the community upfront, and get a FREE third month, and a big discount!

(And after 3 months, if you continue, a $30/month discount will be guaranteed, for those who got the Buy-Two-Months-Get-One-Free deal!)



$97/mo Membership, cancel anytime!

Instant access to TAFF Insiders Mastermind, immediately unlocking trainings, support, discussion, and Weds night “Lives!”



$67/mo with our Buy-Two-Months-Get-One-Free deal! ($201)

Cancel anytime after 3 months with our 100% money-back guarantee! 



Get your questions answered personally.

Work one-on-one with a Coach!

Choose 30 or 60 minutes by Zoom.


Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed!

If the membership is not delivered as promised, we will promptly refund the unused purchase price. We work hard building and maintaining our membership system, and we want you to find it helpful.

Robyn Openshaw and her daughter, Emma.

Who Is Robyn? Why Is She Hosting This Mastermind?

Robyn Openshaw is a 35-year educator, and a former university faculty at BYU of American history, civics, and economics.

Later, she taught advanced communications at the elite Marriott School of Management. She has degrees from Brigham Young University and The University of Utah.

She’s spent 3,000+ hours studying the evolving economic climate and opportunities, in the past 3 years.

For 16 years, Robyn, known as the GreenSmoothieGirl online, has authored 16 books about green smoothies, lifestyle changes, whole-foods nutrition, and detoxification. How to detach from the sick-care model–and get and stay well

And now, she feels strongly that people need to know about detaching from government, central-bank, and dollar-based investing vehicles. By learning first.

That’s why Robyn is hosting a Mastermind and online community to educate you how to be successful, through hands-on videos, weekly live Q&As, and more.

Take Action For Freedom Insiders Mastermind
Robyn Openshaw and her daughter, Emma.

Who Is Robyn? Why Is She Hosting This Mastermind?

Robyn Openshaw is a 35-year educator, and a former university faculty at BYU of American history, civics, and economics. Later, she taught advanced communications at the elite Marriott School of Management. She has degrees from Brigham Young University and The University of Utah.

She’s spent 3,000+ hours studying the evolving economic climate and opportunities, in the past 3 years.

For 16 years, Robyn, known as the GreenSmoothieGirl online, has authored 16 books about green smoothies, lifestyle changes, whole-foods nutrition, and detoxification. How to detach from the sick-care model.

And now, she feels strongly that people need to know about detaching from government, central-bank, and dollar-based investing vehicles. By learning first.

That’s why Robyn is hosting a Mastermind and online community to educate people how to be successful, through hands-on videos, weekly live Q&As, and more

Take Action For Freedom Insiders Mastermind